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Aug 15th, 2023

In the dynamic world of real estate, staying ahead of the game and safeguarding investments requires adapting one’s property investment strategies to market conditions. With inflationary pressures presenting challenges to property investors, it becomes crucial to employ the right approach to not only weather the storm but also thrive in the current climate. 

Hence, we delve into the top three ways to inflation-proof property investment strategies that can empower you in today’s ever-changing market. We will talk about the significance of prioritizing cash flow during inflationary periods, reveal ingenious methods for generating equity, and explore the advantages and disadvantages of investing in Airbnb and commercial real estate. 

Focus on Cash Flow  

In times of inflation, cash flow becomes more important than growth for property investors. With interest rates and property prices on the rise, it is crucial to prioritize cash flow in order to maintain a strong investment portfolio. One way to do this is by buying properties in blue-chip areas that have a higher likelihood of maintaining their value and generating consistent rental income. 

In addition, investors should consider creative strategies for manufacturing equity and absorbing potential shocks from increasing interest rates. For example, instead of relying solely on market growth, investors can focus on generating consistent equity through renovations, conversions, and other innovative methods. 

Airbnb Investing Risks and Strategies 

Airbnb investing can be an exciting and potentially lucrative avenue for property investors. However, it is essential to approach this type of investment with a well-informed plan and an understanding of the risks involved. There are four main strategies to consider for Airbnb investing: renovations, conversions, granny flats, and the Airbnb platform itself. 

When considering an Airbnb investment, it is crucial to have a plan in place that allows for flexibility in times of high inflation. This may involve having the ability to convert a property into a more conventional rental or having multiple exit strategies in case the Airbnb market becomes less profitable. It is also essential to consider all potential outcomes and weigh the risks and benefits of each before making a decision. 

Investing in Commercial Properties 

Commercial property investment can offer several advantages, such as long-term leases, consistent cash flow, and lower overheads compared to residential properties. However, there are also downsides to consider, such as higher vacancy rates and potentially lower growth compared to residential properties. 

One important aspect of commercial property investing is acquiring properties in pairs to offset the risk of high vacancy rates. By doing so, investors can ensure that they have a steady cash flow even if one property is vacant for an extended period. Additionally, commercial properties can be used to recreate serviceability for investors who have exhausted their borrowing capacity through residential investments.